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Getting images and text from webpage with javascript and yql

trying to learn how to parse pages with yql execute. I want to return the text and images separately. I also want to change the width of all the images. Tried to write javascript for this but it isn't working. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

  <execute><![CDATA[ var q = y.query('select * from html where url=@url and xpath=@xpath',{url:url,xpath:xpath}); var myresults = q.results; var images = myresults.getElementsByTagName('img'); images.setAttribute('width','150'); text = myresults.getElementById("p").textContent; response.object = <text>{text}</text> <images>{images}</images>; ]]> </execute> 

Actually you can do something very similar to what you want by just using th html table that is built into YQL. Here an example where I am selecting img and p elements from this article .

I use two different XPath expressions within one Xpath:


The full query:

SELECT * FROM html WHERE url="http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9209140/Sentiment_analysis_comes_of_age" AND xpath="//div[@id='left_col']//img|//div[@id='left_col']//p"

Try it out.

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