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php and mysql CRUD question

我想制作一个php应用程序,但是我有太多不同名称的表。是否有一个现有的CRUD库可以通过以下网址直接指向一个表来帮助我一次编辑一个表: example.com/index/tablename并编辑记录。

如果您希望直接编辑表,则使用专用工具(例如phpmyadmin )会更容易(更安全)。

Hmmm, maybe you should use a DBMS, like phpmyadmin ? Otherwise, I have no idea how are you going to edit data thru an url, and what would the GUI look like.

you could give cakephp a go, the RAD development with bake could give you a simple crud app just typing a few commands in terminal. http://book.cakephp.org/view/1522/Code-Generation-with-Bake

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