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How do I execute Visual mode commands from a Vim function?

I have a function which takes a string of commands to execute and makes sure 'paste' is on before it runs them. What I'm looking for is akin to the following:

vmap <silent> <C-K> :<C-U>call InPasteMode("<Plug>ReplaceVisual")<CR>
function! InPasteMode(command)
  let oldpaste = &l:paste
    set paste
    execute "normal" a:command
    let &l:paste = oldpaste

but the command, "<Plug>ReplaceVisual" , needs to run in Visual mode, not Normal mode.

Is there a command like :normal which runs keystrokes in Visual mode?

gv restores the last visual selection. So, something like execute "normal gv" . a:command execute "normal gv" . a:command should work.

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