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NHibernate cascade delete

Let me begin with showing the mapping:


<bag name="Communicatiekanalen" table="COMMUNICATIEKANAAL" inverse="true" cascade="delete" lazy="true" >
        <key column="SEK_PROFIEL"/>
        <one-to-many class="Crm.Hibernate.Communicatiekanaal,Crm.Hibernate" />


<many-to-one name="SekProfiel" column="SEK_PROFIEL" class="Crm.Hibernate.Profiel,Crm.Hibernate" />

In other words: a profile can have many communication channels.

On the UI (user-interface [ASP.NET Webforms] ) the following event is fired (deleting a profile with communication channels attached to it) :

    var profielDao = CrmConfiguration.GetDaoFactory().GetProfielDao();
    var profiel = profielDao.GetById(2194, true); //lets say '2194' is an ID that exists

(the DaoFactory is located in one project file and the UI is an ASP.NET Website)

This code works.

IMPORTANT: the code is using the NHibernate 'open-session-in-view' pattern.

I have a service implementation that fires the same code (deleting a profile with communication channels). Some code...

            var daof = CrmConfiguration.GetDaoFactory();
            CrmSettings.Instance.UserID = user;
            var profielDao = daof.GetProfielDao();

            var profiel = profielDao.GetById(CrmEntitiesToHibernate.ParseStringToId(profileId), true);

Where 'EndTransaction()' does a 'commit'. I test this code with an 'unit test':

    public void TestDeleteProfile()
        //Getting a valid NEW profile
        var profile = GetSecundaryProfile();
        //Adding a communication channel to the profile
        CrmClient.AddCommunicationChannelForProfile(GetPlainCommunicationChannel(), profile.Id, CurrentUserId);
        //Calling the 'delete profile' method on the service --> FAIL - no cascade
        CrmClient.DeleteProfile(profile.Id, CurrentUserId);

This code fails. The following error is bugging me:

The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "R2_PROFIEL". The conflict occurred in database "CRM_ontw", table "dbo.COMMUNICATIEKANAAL", column 'SEK_PROFIEL'. The statement has been terminated.

This means that the cascade didn't happen at all. Executed from the UI it works , but when fired from the ' service implementation ', it fails . Any ideas or suggestions that could help me?

Thanks in advance

Edit: the following generic code delete's an object

    public void Delete(T entity)
        catch (Exception)

Setting the all-delete-orphan doesn't fix the problem.

I've found the problem. The NHibernate 'open-session-in-view' pattern closes the session after commiting the changes to the database (so when the requests ends, the sessions gets closed):

            // No matter what happens, make sure all the sessions get closed
            foreach (SessionFactoryElement sessionFactorySettings in openSessionInViewSection.SessionFactories)

But my EndTransaction() implementation on the service side didn't.

So with a few tweaks I created this EndTransaction() method:

public void EndTransaction()

Try setting cascade="delete" to cascade="all-delete-orphan"

Also, ensure that in both instances, the parent is being read and saved by the same ISession instance. As someone commented, we need to see the implementation of your .Delete() method.

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