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how to set lable value with their % value in telerik Pie chart

When I generate telerik Pie chart. I want to concatenate lable value with %data value but I am not getting both values.my code-

ChartSeries objChartSeries = new ChartSeries("Pie");
            objChartSeries.Type = ChartSeriesType.Pie;

            objChartSeries.Appearance.LegendDisplayMode = ChartSeriesLegendDisplayMode.ItemLabels;
            objChartSeries.Appearance.LabelAppearance.Visible = true;
            objChartSeries.Appearance.ShowLabelConnectors = true;
            objChartSeries.Appearance.ShowLabels = true;
            objChartSeries.Appearance.DiameterScale = 0.6;

            objChartSeries.DataLabelsColumn = Xtext + "#Y";
            //objChartSeries.DefaultLabelValue = "#Y";

            //RadChart1.Legend.TextBlock.Text = ddlX.SelectedItem.Text.Trim();
            //RadChart1.Legend.Visible = true;


            RadChart1.Series[1].DataYColumn = Yval;

            RadChart1.DataSource = dsResult;

饼图屏幕截图 I want my chart like E1007(40%)...

objChartSeries.DataLabelsColumn = SomeDecimal.ToString("P");

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