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Java open-source web framework

I'm currently working on a project where the front-end has to be a mobile application or a website.I want the back-end to be in java.I want to use rest as communication between the front-end and back-end. My question is : Is there a java web framework that has some kind of user management (with maybe webservices to login and signup users). For example so that the login details can be send from the front-end to webservice and then would see if it's correct etc..

查看Google App Engine (还包括免费托管)。

Take a look at CUBA Platform. It has pretty strong back-end and admin UI plus generic REST-API with Google Polymer UI for custom mobile applications or web sites. http://github.com/cuba-platform/cuba

Struts,Spring MVC,JSF是被广泛使用的一些常见示例。

I would suggest using Grails which has a rich catalog of plugins, including the spring security plugin which should do as you require without having to write much code.

If you must use Java only, then Spring MVC with the Spring Security is a good option.

Spring 3.0 MVC would be a good place to start for the back-end. This will give you the basic REST web service support. You can probably tie in spring security to get some basic user management also

对于REST,我会看jax-rsRESTEasy )或sitebricks

Lift (基于Scala的Web框架)具有一组不错的预建用户管理支持

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