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Infragisitcs ultrawingrid columnchooser and column filters

I have an Infragistics UltraWinGrid and I'm using its built-in column chooser.

However there is an issue whereby if a user has a filter on a particular column, then hides that column, the filter is still applied to the data.

I would expect that if the column is hidden then its filter should no longer apply OR I should at least be able to set this somehow.

I've looked and can't find a way of doing this. Any ideas?

When a column is hidden, the UltraWinGrid.AfterColPosChanged event is fired. The event arguments don't tell you which column has had its position changed (ie hidden ) so the easiest thing to do it iterate over the columns and clear the filters of any hidden columns.

private void grid_AfterColPosChanged(object sender, AfterColPosChangedEventArgs e)
    foreach (UltraGridBand band in grid.DisplayLayout.Bands)
       foreach (ColumnFilter filter in band.ColumnFilters)
            if (filter.Column.Hidden)

Clunky, but it works.

Handle column hiding; just bind Column.Hidden to your object and do whatever you need to do.

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