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How to view a recordset in an access table by means of vba?

With help of the embedded access vb editor i've written a small code to analyse the field values of my database, and want to finally view the recordsets in a table inside the opened access. As a newbie i can only use Debug.Print to display the field names. Could anyone of you tell me with which statements/commands i can execute my SQL String in order to view the result recordset with values?

Debug.Print FinalSQLString

Here is the basic recipe:

Dim db As Database
Dim rs As Recordset

Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM myTable")

Know that you are using Jet Data Access Objects (DAO) with Access - google that for details.

Expression (rs.BOF and rs.EOF) = True indicates there were no rows.

Use rs.MoveFirst , rs.MoveNext to go to the first and next rows. Test rs.EOF after rs.MoveNext ; when True , last row was already processed.

rs(FieldName) returns the value of the column named FieldName (a string expression).

rs(1) returns the value of the second column.

When done, rs.Close .

There is no way to hand Access the RecordSet and have it displayed in a Datasheet view. Instead, you will have to create a QueryDef object and use it to perform the query and display the Datasheet view of the results:

Dim qd As QueryDef

On Error Resume Next
CurrentDb.QueryDefs.Delete "temp"
On Error GoTo 0

Set qd = db.CreateQueryDef("temp", "SELECT * FROM myTable")

DoCmd.OpenQuery "temp", acViewNormal, acEdit

As far as I know, there is no way to display a datasheet containing a VBA instance of a recordset. If the source of your recordset is strQSL, you could however create a table with your results, and open that one, or more elegantly, create queryDef and open it:

Sub ShowQd(strQdName As String, strSql As String)
'creates queryDef and display it in a datasheet'
    Dim qd As DAO.QueryDef

    Set qd = CurrentDb.CreateQueryDef(strQdName)
    With qd
        .ReturnsRecords = True
        .SQL = strSql
    End With
    DoCmd.OpenQuery strQdName
End Sub

If you focus on displaying things, you could also put a ListBox in a form, set its Number of columns to the number of fields returned by your query ( qd.Fields.Count ), and set your strSql as the RowSource of the ListBox. AND... if you put all your related code in that form, you now have a form that you can import in any db to quickly display what you want :)
Good luck !

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