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Java duplicating xml node and child nodes with replace

I have an XML template with nodes like (simplified):

<sl:each value="iter" ignoreonzero="total">
    <description><sl:prop value="desc" /></description>
    <total><sl:prop value="total" /></description>

I can get the iterator (an ArrayList) and get the values of the object. I just can't figure out how to use this entire node as a template (except the <sl:each> wrapper), keeping it's children (and their children recursive) intact. I need to replace the <sl:prop /> nodes with the value from the object in the ArrayList, reapeated for each item.

Sample Desired output:

    <description>item 1</description>
    <description>item 2</description>

What I've been trying: Any help please?

import javax.xml.parsers.*;
import javax.xml.transform.*;
import org.w3c.dom.*;

NodeList eaches = itemsElement.getElementsByTagNameNS("sl","each");
for (int i=0;i<eaches.getLength();i++) 
  Node origNode = eaches.item(i);
    Code to get ArrayList and object
  for (Object o : iter) {
    Node node = origNode.cloneNode(true);
    NodeList props = ((Element) node).getElementsByTagNameNS("sl","prop");
    for (int j=0;j<props.getLength();j++) {
      Node prop = props.item(j);
      String textContent = "";
        Code to get text content
      Node parent = prop.getParentNode();
      Node text = doc.createTextNode(textContent);

After calling Node node = origNode.cloneNode(true); you should call insertAfter on eaches parent node. Don't forget to remove the eaches node after the iteration!

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