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to get all public methods in the project

i have a project. c# .net I would like to get names of all public function in all public classes in the project.

is there any tool or can i write a program that take the project dll or even the project directory ,as input ,and find all public function?

This probably does what you want:

MethodInfo[] methods = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies().SelectMany(x => x.GetTypes()).SelectMany(x => x.GetMethods().Where(y => y.IsPublic)).ToArray();

Out of curiosity, what are you plans with this info?

You can find it by using System.Reflection.MethodInfo

Lets say you have a class with following methods in interfaces:

public interface IFaceOne {
  void MethodA();

public interface IFaceTwo {
  void MethodB();

public class MyClass: IFaceOne, IFaceTwo {
  public int myIntField;
  public string myStringField;
    private double myDoubleField = 0;

    public double getMyDouble(){
      return myDoubleField;

  public void myMethod(int p1, string p2)

  public int MyProp
    get { return myIntField; }
    set { myIntField = value; }

  public void MethodA() {}
  public void MethodB() {}

Then use following code to read all methods/properties:

public static void Main(string[] args)
TheType.MyClass aClass = new TheType.MyClass();

Type t = aClass.GetType();
MethodInfo[] mi = t.GetMethods();
foreach(MethodInfo m in mi)
  Console.WriteLine("Method: {0}", m.Name);

You would get following result:
Method: getMyDouble
Method: myMethod
Method: get_MyProp
Method: set_MyProp
Method: MethodA
Method: MethodB
Method: ToString
Method: Equals
Method: GetHashCode
Method: GetType

If you're talking about at design-time, then you're looking at one of the following:

  1. Writing your own source code parser.
  2. Writing your own or finding a 3rd party visual studio plugin.
  3. Compiling then loading the DLL in a tool such as .NET Reflector .

If you're talking about at run-time, then you're looking at using .NET reflection, through one or more of the following methods/classes:

  1. AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies() // returns loaded Assemblies (ie DLLs).
  2. myAssembly.GetTypes() // returns an array of Type's.
  3. myType.GetMethods() // returns an array of MethodInfo's.

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