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What different customizations are possible by using HttpHandlers in an ASP.NET application?

Digging deeper into HttpHandlers I found they provide nice way to customize an ASP.NET application. I am new to ASP.NET and I want to know about different customizations that are possible using HttpHandlers. Lots of websites talk about how they are implemented but it would be nice to know some use cases beyond what ASP.NET already provides using HttpHandlers.

An ASPX page provides a base template (so to speak) for a form-based web page. By default, it outputs text/html and allows for easy adding of form elements and event handling for these elements.

In contrast, an HttpHandler is stripped to the bone. It is like a blank slate for HTTP requests. Therefore, an HttpHandler is good for many types of requests that do not necessarily require a web form. You could use an HttpHandler to output dynamic images, JSON, or many other MIME type results.

A couple examples:

1) You have a page which needs to make an AJAX call which will return a JSON response. An HttpHandler could be setup to handle this request and output the JSON.

2) You have a page which links to PDF documents that are stored as binary blobs in a database. An HttpHandler could be setup to handle this request and output the binary blob as a byte stream with a PDF MIME type for the content type.

检查此页面以获取一个很好的示例和为什么要自定义它们的代码: http : //dotnetslackers.com/articles/aspnet/Range-Specific-Requests-in-ASP-NET.aspx基本上,当您使用它时,可以使用它。想要存储某些文件,但不允许通过纯URL访问这些文件(安全性)。

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