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PHP Regular Expression Help Needed

can anyone please tell me why this simple regex is failing?

$blogurl = 'http://www.sirpi.org/2011/02/23/';
if(preg_match("/[0-9]\/[0-9]\/[0-9]\/$/", $blogurl)){
  echo "Bad URL\n";

You are matching this:

one of characters 0-9
a literal slash ("/")
one of characters 0-9
a literal slash ("/")
one of characters 0-9
a literal slash ("/")
end of string

You may want to match years that have more than one digit, similarly with months and days.


is looking for a

 [0-9] a single digit
 \/    followed by a /
 [0-9] a single digit
 \/    followed by a /
 [0-9] a single digit
 \/    followed by a /
 $     at the end of the string



whic tests for the number of digits between each /

you seem to be trying to test whether there are numbers in between / at the end of string. For that you can use

$blogurl = 'http://www.sirpi.org/2011/02/23/';
if(preg_match("/[0-9]+\/[0-9]+\/[0-9]+\/$/", $blogurl)){
  echo "Bad URL\n";

the + means one or more. Otherwise you are just matching against a single digit and the numbers there in the URL are not just single digits.

You can also use \\d for digits instead of [0-9] :

$blogurl = 'http://www.sirpi.org/2011/02/23/';
if(preg_match("/\d+\/\d+\/\d+\/$/", $blogurl)){
  echo "Bad URL\n";

[0-9] matches a single digit. So this regex matches a single digit, a slash, a single digit, a slash, a single digit, a slash and and end of string.

So it would match 4/5/6/ , but not 11/22/33/ .

If you want to match one or more digits, you should use [0-9]+ . You can also use [0-9]* if you wish to match zero or more digits.

because you are searching for single digits. Try this:


also, if you want the number of sub url things to be variable;


that is, at least one / followed by a string of numbers, and then an optional finishing / .

Looks like the urls are dates though from your example, so this probably isn't necessary.

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