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C# Add security group to another security group

        string ouString = projectBox.Text.ToString();
        string parentName = "LDAP://OU="+ouString+",OU=Clients,OU=Clients,DC=domain,DC=net";
        DirectoryEntry parentEntry = new DirectoryEntry(parentName);
        DirectoryEntry newGroup = parentEntry.Children.Add("CN=" + ouString+"SecGroup", "group");

throws the exception:
The server is unwilling to process the request at newGroup.CommitChanges(); Any thoughts?

There is not a password issue, I believe it might have to do with no finding "ExistingGroup". If i comment out newGroup.Properties["member"].Add("ExistingGroup"); it'll create the sec group just fine. I'm trying to create a new Security group and make it a member of another group at the same time.

newGroup.Properties["member"].Add("CN=Clients Clients,OU=Clients,DC=domain,DC=net");

You have to fully qualify the groups location....

But this does the opposite. It makes ExistingGroup a member of the newGroup, i want visa versa...


Check your domain password policies.


"One possibility is that you trying to enable or 'set' a user account. The problem is that the account must have a password and none is provided. Another possibility is that your domain policy requires a complex password."

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