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Spring security: forcing https using annotations?

The spring security docs state (2.3.2):

If your application supports both HTTP and HTTPS, and you require that particular URLs can only be accessed over HTTPS, then this is directly supported using the requires-channel attribute on :

    <intercept-url pattern="/secure/**" access="ROLE_USER" requires-channel="https"/>
    <intercept-url pattern="/**" access="ROLE_USER" requires-channel="any"/>

But I'm using annotations on my controllers, not intercept-url elements.

  • Can I enforce HTTPS selectively via annotations?
  • Can I force HTTP for non-secure pages?

从可用的文档中可以看出, 使用注释可能无法强制实施通道安全性。

There are a number of examples that show how to use annotation with Spring Security


spring not enforcing method security annotations

I don't understand what you mean by forcing HTTP for non-secure pages. If it is non-secure, then it is HTTP already.

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