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Entity Framework 4.1 and the Generic IRepository<T> Pattern and Windsor

A follow up question to Entity Framework RC1 DbContext query issue

I am able to inject my DbContext using

        .DynamicParameters((k, d) => d["context"] = new PLSS.Models.PlssContext())

and this is working great. However this only works if my context initializer does not need to drop the database.


creates the error

Cannot drop database "PLSS.Models.PlssContext" because it is currently in use.

I assume that means that this is in use from the windsor container. Does this have to do with the LifeStyle being PerWebRequest? I have also tried Transient with the same issue.

Also how would I use the xml container representation to create the components. I'd rather have it in my windsor.config so I can change it if necessary.

I thought this would be equivalent to what I have above using the fluent api but i get a strange error i will post below.

  service="AGRC.Common.Repositories.IEFDataContextProvider, AGRC.Common"
  type="AGRC.Common.Repositories.EFDataContextProvider, AGRC.Common"

  type="PLSS.Models.PlssContext, PLSS.Models"

Method 'GetControllerSessionBehavior' in type 'Microsoft.Web.Mvc.MvcDynamicSessionControllerFactory' from assembly 'Microsoft.Web.Mvc, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' does not have an implementation.

Not sure whats up with that but...

This may have been a classic case of 在此处输入图片说明

Think I had an active connection in my server explorer.


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