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Batch file to connect mysql and run commands

I want to run a batch file from windows, which connect to mysql server on different machine, and run a procedure from database or run a sql file which is sitting in my local machine.

is there's a way to do it. I know that I need the below script in my batch file to run sql commands but I believe it's only work when you run the batch file in mysql server enviornment.

do I have to define the server info (eg IP address & port) how do I do that

any help would be appricated


mysql --user=XXX --password=XXXX --database=XXX < XXX.sql

if your MySQL Server ( mysqld ) is running on the same host as your MySQL client application ( mysql ), your command

mysql --user=XXX --password=XXXX --database=XXX < XXX.sql


If your server is on another host (as in your case), you have to add the hostname:

mysql --host=IP.ADDR.HERE --port=3306 --user=XXX --password=XXXX --database=XXX < XXX.sql

The XXX.sql file is on the same host as your MySQL Client.

Offcourse your server has to accept connections from other hosts (bind-address defined, no skip-networking, and the correct user@host privileges defined) so check your server configuration.


mysql --host=ipaddress --port=3306 -u root -ppassword dbname -e "insert into emp ('id', 'name') values (1, 'hawk')"

do I have to define the server info (eg IP address & port) how do I do that

You need to set port if it is not 3306. You need to set host if you want to specify user you want to connect, as you know MySQL user has a name and host - 'user1'@' host_name '.

See the manual - The MySQL Command-Line Tool

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