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ojdbc14.jar not found while trying to run irca.bat

I have just dived into web services and trying to configure oracle soa suite 10g on window vista. I am stuck with running the irca.bat file with the following error:

cannot find library -jdbc\lib\ojdbc14.jar
Please verify that Oracle_Home is set correctly

I have used the SET command to set the Java_Home and the Oracle_Home and I can verify that they have been set still using the SET command. Am not sure what is wrong here. Need some help.

C:>SET ORACLE_HOME = C:\oraclexe\app\oracle\product\10.2.0\server\BIN
C:>SET JAVA_HOME = C:\jdeveloper\jdevstudio10131\jdk

Any comments would be appreciated.

That JAR is not in the CLASSPATH. I would look in the script to see how it sets CLASSPATH.

Should ORACLE_HOME point to /bin? I would have guessed that ORACLE_HOME should be either c:/oracleexe or c:/oracleexe/app/oracle/product/10.2.0.

I don't think JAVA_HOME looks right, either. JDeveloper is not Java; are you using its JDK?

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