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Chrome Extension - Load popup at page bottom (not in top right corner)?

Now, I now how to make an extension that drops down in a small window at the top right of the page beneath the extension icons. But how can I create a new div at the bottom of the web page, like this buzzgrowl extension: http://buzzgrowl.com/ ?

What do you think about a webkit notifications ?

window.webkitNotifications.createHTMLNotification('instantMessage.html', 'POPUP').show();

If you really want a popup from the extension icon, then you need to use this :

"browser_action": {
    "default_icon": "icon.png",
    "popup": "popup.html"

I suggest you to read this page : http://code.google.com/chrome/extensions/getstarted.html

It will probably be better explain then me ;)

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