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What if I don't declare an ID in <div>?

How can I access any <div> if I don't declare the id attribute. Does DOM create ID itself?


<div class="common_class" onmouseover="know_your_div(this)">

<script type="text/script">
   function know_your_div(obj){
     Here i want to access the div object not by class because of it's common
     for all div

Well, the answer to your question is right there in your code.

The obj parameter that your know_your_div function takes is supplied as this in the onmouseover attribute. Thus, that is your div .

There's not an easy way to get to it in all browsers. Your best bet is to just create an ID on it. Is there a reason you can't?

Short of that, you have to navigate to it using DOM traversal methods, which are horribly unstable if your DOM structure changes at all. Code like:



document.getElementsByTagName('DIV')[22]; // 23rd DIV in the page


那么我想您需要在类名旁边明确指定ID。DOM不会自行创建ID ...

Then it's time to use the DOM. Maybe you could use things like firstChild, lastChild, nextSibling.. http://de.selfhtml.org/javascript/objekte/node.htm

If you're using a JS library, like MooTools or jQuery, which I reccomend, you'll have a lot of powerful selector magic at your hands (example http://mootools.net/demos/?demo=Slick.Finder ).

Why not use JQuery and selectors? http://api.jquery.com/id-selector/

No, the DOM does not create an ID. You need to add an ID. You can use jQuery to access a div by it's class.

The answer is in your Question, let me try to help you

<div class="common_class" onmouseover="know_your_div(this)"> </div>

var oldObject = "";
function know_your_div(obj) {

  // write ur condition if/ese/while/..

    obj.parentNode.do_Something(); OR obj.parentNode.ID/Class/value

    oldObject = obj;


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