cost 348 ms
Comparator using only XOR

I would like to ask how to make a 2 bit comparator using only the XOR gate to check if the numbers are equal is it possible to build such a comparato ...

is a rectangle java? hashmap

Given lengths a,b,c,d. find wether a rectangle can be formed or not? if yes return 1 or else 0. I am using hashmap and xor operation and i want to kno ...

Encrypt using reapeting XOR

i have to encrypy a string using repeating XOR with the KEY:"ICE". I think that i made a correct algorith to do it but the solution of the problem has ...

XOR encryption with a PyObject

I'm having trouble encrypting bytes from a PyObject using XOR. For now I only managed to print the bytes as an encoded string (with PyUnicode_AsEncode ...

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