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How can I backreference matches in a recursive regular expression?

I have a string like this:

$data = 'id=1


comment=This is

a sample


And I would like to remove the \\n in the third field ( comment=... ).

I have this regular expression that serves my purpose but not so well:

preg_replace('/\bcomment=((.+)\n*)*$/', "comment=$2 ", $data);

My problem is that every match within the second group overwrites the previous match. Thus, instead of having this:

comment=This is a sample comment'

I ended up with this:

comment= comment'

Is there any way of storing the intermediate backreferences in a regular expression? Or do I have to match every occurrence inside a loop?



$data = 'id=1


comment=This is

a sample


// If you are at PHP >= 5.3.0 (using preg_replace_callback)
$result = preg_replace_callback(
    function (array $matches) {
        return $matches[1] . preg_replace("/[\r\n]+/", " ", $matches[2]);

// If you are at PHP < 5.3.0 (using preg_replace with e modifier)
$result = preg_replace(
    '"\1" . preg_replace("/[\r\n]+/", " ", "\2")',


will give

string(59) "id=1


comment=This is a sample comment"

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