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Call a program from Powershell w/ very long, variable argument list?

I am currently trying to convert a series of batch files to powershell scripts. I would like to run a compiler for the source files that exist in a directory, recursively. The compiler requires a long list of arguments. The catch is, I want the arguments to be variable so I can change them as needed. This is a typical call from the batch file (simplified for readability and length):

"C:\\PICC Compilers\\picc18.exe" --pass1 "C:\\Src Files\\somefile.c" "-IC:\\Include Files" "-IC:\\Header Files" -P --runtime=default,+clear,+init,-keep,+download,+stackwarn,-config,+clib,-plib --opt=default,+asm,-speed,+space,9 --warn=0 --debugger=realice -Blarge --double=24 --cp=16 -g --asmlist "--errformat=Error [%n] %f; %l.%c %s" "--msgformat=Advisory[%n] %s" --OBJDIR="C:\\Built Files" "--warnformat=Warning [%n] %f; %l.%c %s"

This command executes fine when included in a batch file, but I start getting errors when I copy and paste the command into powershell. This is only my second day working with powershell, but I have developed with .NET in the past. I have managed to scrape together the following attempt:

$srcFiles = Get-ChildItem . -Recurse -Include "*.c"
    $srcFiles | % {
    $argList = "--pass1 " + $_.FullName;
    $argList += "-IC:\Include Files -IC:\Header Files -P --runtime=default,+clear,+init,-keep,+download,+stackwarn,-config,+clib,-plib --opt=default,+asm,-speed,+space,9 --warn=0 --debugger=realice -Blarge --double=24 --cp=16 -g --asmlist '--errformat=Error   [%n] %f; %l.%c %s' '--msgformat=Advisory[%n] %s' '--warnformat=Warning [%n] %f; %l.%c %s"
    $argList += "--OBJDIR=" + $_.DirectoryName;
    &"C:\PICC Compilers\picc18.exe" $argList }

I know that I probably have multiple issues with the above code, namely how to pass arguments and how I am dealing with the quotes in the argument list. Incorrect as it is, it should illustrate what I am trying to achieve. Any suggestions on where to start?

Calling command line applications from PowerShell might be really tricky. Several weeks ago @Jaykul wrote great blog post The problem with calling legacy/native apps from PowerShell where he describes gotchas which people will meet in this situations. And there is of course solution too ;)

edit - correct url

The article is no more available, so it's only possible to see that through web.archive.org - see cached article

Make $arglist an array instead of a string. A single string will always be passed as a single argument which is what you don't want here.

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