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How do I make two arrows in css

I want to create an arrow using CSS only

Example you can see http://jsfiddle.net/b9Yfc/


<div id="arrow"><div id="arrow-inner"></div></div>

I want arrow-inner will be place into arrow and result should be like


How to achieve my goal?

Play with the position properties

On #arrow add position: relative;

And on #arrow-inner add position: absolute; top:-16px; left:-15px; position: absolute; top:-16px; left:-15px;

And normaly it's works. See my http://jsfiddle.net/DoubleYo/cAGWa/

With css property position

Example: http://jsfiddle.net/felixsigl/hn9sc/

#arrow {
    position: relative;
    background: // the larger image
    width: // width of larger image
    height: // height of larger image
#arrow-inner {
    position: absolute;
    background: // the smaller image
    width: // the width of smaller image
    height: // the height of smaller image
    top: // the offset from the top of the larger image e.g. 2px
    left: // the offset from the left of the larger image e.g. 5px

you can use the following for your styling

#arrow {
    position: relative;
    background: url('url of the bigger image');

#arrow-inner {
    position: absolute;
    background: url('url of the smaller image');
    top: ;//dimmension in px for the vertical top displacement
    left: ;//dimmension in px for the vertical left displacement
    z-index:; dimmension in px for the z displacement though not neccessary

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