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Odd behavior adding RewriteRule in .htaccess

I have the following rule:

  RewriteRule ^(image/[0-9]*/(.*))?$ image.php?prettyUrl=true&nav=$1 [QSA,NC,L]

This is supposed to replace

  http://mysite.com/image/12345/imagename.png => http://mysite.com/image.php?pretyUrl=true&nav=image/12345/imagename.png

For the particular case where the pretty url contains '/image/' the $_GET array is empty. If I use a different name like 'images' or 'asdfg' the $_GET array will contain both pretyUrl and nav.

Any idea why?


If the rewrite rule must work for every URL in image/ , (and the /1234/ digits part is not required), then this may be what you are looking for:

RewriteRule ^(image(/.*)?)$ image.php?prettyUrl=true&nav=$1 [QSA,NC,L]

If you can phrase your question a bit more specifically, a better solution can be refined.

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