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StreamWriter automatically flushing buffer when given large messages


I have a Client-Server whereby I have the streamWriter.WriteLine(messageToClient); on the server sending large messages. The streamReader.ReadLine(); on the client is reading the 2000 length messages fine.

The issue here is the streamWriter.Flush() has no affect on the larger messages, because what I am aiming for is the server to be able to switch between the buffers flushing directly (having a fluid server message output) and not (the server response would be jumbled together until it reaches the buffers limit to flush).

Question: I am thinking that the buffers are auto flushing because they are full? Is so what is the streamWriters max buffer size?

I have tested using much smaller messageToClient and the not flushing of the stream works as intended. Aka the server stream outputs a group of small messages at once to the client, presumably because the buffer was full.

Have you tried using the constructor that takes the buffer size as an argument ?

public StreamWriter(
    Stream stream,
    Encoding encoding,
    int bufferSize

Edit : poking around in reflector it looks like the default buffer size is 1024 bytes.

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