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Webservice IIS and permissions 401 Error

I have an issue I do not understand

I have a Webservices (not WCF) in two different locations, my localhost and our development server.

My localhost is running

XP SP3 IIS 5.1

Dev Server is running

Windows Server 2003 SP 2 IIS 6.0

Directory Security in IIS for Both is Anonymous Access and Integrated Windows authentication

My issue is when I run the following code from inside VS2010

Dim ws As RunExternalProcess.ProcessExecution = New RunExternalProcess.ProcessExecution
ws.Timeout = Convert.ToInt32(ConfigurationManager.GetConfigurationValue(KEY_VALUE_PROCESS_TIMEOUT_MILLISECONDS))
ws.ExecuteProcess (BusinessClasses.RunExternalProcess.enuProcessType.EFTCreateFile, PROC_POST, strParameters)

When the webservice is pointed to the Dev server it runs fine. When pointed to my local I get a HTTP 401 error

if I add the line

 ws.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials

it works fine for my local. The question I need to answer before I deploy it is why do I need the credentials line if it works fine accessing the dev web service today. And what is different about my local?

Any Ideas?

You're probably not allowing anonymous access for your local server.

By default the client side copies the credentials/proxy settings of your Internet Explorer so you might want to check those too.


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