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Django Debug Toolbar Only Working for Admin Section

Hey, I've been using Django 1.2.1 for some time now and came across Django Debug Toolbar just the other day. It looks really useful and I'm really eager to try some stuff out.

I installed exactly how the readme said. Step by Step. I put the middleware at the end just in case things get caught up but I'm using quite standard middleware (common, sessions, auth and csrf). However, it won't show up on any of my pages. I've tried moving the middleware but to the same effect.

It seems as if I've installed something wrong. But, when I load up the Admin Section of django, the toolbar springs up. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Can the content of my pages effect the toolbar coming up? It's outputting in the mime text/html...

Anyway, any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Here's my Settings.py: pastebin.com/Hu8TgANt

Debug toolbar requires that there's at least a closing </body> tag in the response HTML.

This tag can be changed by changing settings.DEBUG_TOOLBAR_CONFIG['INSERT_BEFORE']


A few tipps without knowing your code:

  • 'debug_toolbar.middleware.DebugToolbarMiddleware' should be your last or second to last middle ware entry (not 100% sure how it works out with the flatpagefallback middleware)
  • 'debug-toolbar' as last in the list of INSTALLED_APPS
  • Double check if the toolbar's assets are loaded
  • Make sure all toolbar settings are set. (DEBUG_TOOLBAR_CONFIG, INTERNAL_IPS) etc.

The error should be something in there. I know of other problems related getting the toolbar displayed on flatpages so if you only checked on flatpages I suggest you try it on another module.

I had the same problem here, and eventually arrived at this post... Anyway, in my case what I noticed was that I had a javascript error in one of my js included libraries. And that breaked the js interpretation flow. When I fixed the javascript error, the django toolbar worked.

That explains why it worked in the admin pages, but not in my app pages.

Missing INTERNAL_IPS key in settings.py impacts toolbar visibility. Adding this resolves the issue:


I had a similar issue. The solution was closing a div as a non-empty HTML element.

From this

    <div id="map-canvas"/>

to this

    <div id="map-canvas"></div>

Hope it helps!

In my case, I was using Google Material Design Lite as the frontend framework,

which has the style definition,


this style is applied to Debug Toolbar's elements which result in displaying nothing.

a quick workaround was to change the MDL's style definition (only possible on local stylesheets, not with cdn hosted) to


In my case the error was very simple.

I removed the footer and it worked like a charm!

Hope this solves an issue for somebody else.

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