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Access Parent Page ViewState from the user control?


Yes you can ... To do so you just need to follow a basic trick ..

First inherit the caller page by a base page (using a base page over the project always a good practice it help later very much) like below ...

public abstract class BasePage : Page
  public StateBag ViewState
          return base.ViewState;

Later you can call this property from usercontrol ........

var CallerPage = this.Page as BasePage;
if (CallerPage!=null)
  var CallerPageViewState = CallerPage.ViewState;
  //Do your rest job

The ViewState property of the Page class is protected . Therefore, there's no way to access it from a user control, unless you're willing to break encapsulation by using reflection .

In a word no. Depending on what you want to do though there may be another way to do what you're trying to achieve

More information on what you're wanting to achieve will help people to answer your question more fully

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