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Django custom method won't show up

I have two custom methods for a model manager in Django. One of them works. I recently added another and Django (and python) act like it doesn't exist. Here's the relevant part of the model:

class FigureServerManager(models.Manager):
    #This method takes as input a user and grabs a figure that is not marked complete for which that user has not already submitted a result
    def serve_to_user(self,user):
    not_complete=super(FigureServerManager, self).get_query_set().filter(complete=0)
    for Figure in not_complete:
    if not checkifresult:
            return Figure

    #This is a copy of the above method that I want to change to do something else, but I can't even get it to show up yet
    def serve_training_task(self, user):
        with_correct_ans=super(FigureServerManager, self).get_query_set().filter(complete=0)
        for Figure in with_correct_ans:
        if not checkifresult:
                return Figure

class Figure(models.Model):
    #include the default manager    
    #add the extra one for serving figures

I get an error on the website (running the Django development server) like this:

'FigureServerManager' object has no attribute 'serve_training_task'

and if I run dir(FigureServerManager) in python the serve_training_task method does not appear but the serve_to_user method does appear. Why doesn't serve_training_task work?

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