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templated object as POCO

In order to represent Enums in the edmx I am using wrapper:

This is the Enum:

public enum CompanyType

This is the wrapper:

public class CompanyTypeWrapper
    public CompanyType CompanyTypeEnum { get; set; }

    public string CompanyTypeName
            return Enum.GetName(typeof(CompanyType), CompanyTypeEnum);
            if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(CompanyType), value))
                CompanyTypeEnum = (CompanyType)Enum.Parse(typeof(CompanyType), value);

    public static implicit operator CompanyTypeWrapper(CompanyType t)
        return new CompanyTypeWrapper() { CompanyTypeEnum = t };

    public static implicit operator CompanyType(CompanyTypeWrapper tw)
        if (tw == null) return CompanyType.SMALL_BUSINESS;
        else return tw.CompanyTypeEnum;

CompanyTypeName property has the code of the enum that comes from the database. CompanyTypeWrapper is the POCO object used to hold the enum value from database. Because I have a lot of enum - can I use templated EnumWrapper ? so that in the edmx the POCO object use to hold the enum value will be template? if yes - how should I call the name of the entity? CompanyType will be represented by EnumWrapper - is it possible?

I think this question already appeared on Stack Overflow and the answer was no. EDMX doesn't support templates.

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