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Double click on Linkbutton on a repeater?

I had link button on a repeater. My Question is how I'll be able to have linkbutton with a double click inside a repeater not a single click?

here's my code:

    <td class="style2">
    <asp:LinkButton ID="lblName" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("Name") %>' CommandName="Name" CommandArgument='<%# Eval("Code") %>'>


protected void rptrInsurance_ItemCommand(object source, RepeaterCommandEventArgs e)
            if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item || e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem)
                switch (e.CommandName)
                    case "Delete":
                            HCSInsurance oInsuranceDelete = new HCSInsurance();
                            Insurance oInsurance = new Insurance();

                            List<InsuranceLabel> lstName = oInsuranceDelete.RetrieveInsuranceList();
                            foreach (InsuranceLabel item in lstName)
                                var code = e.CommandArgument;
                                if (item.InsuranceCode.ID == code.ToString())
                                    oInsurance.InsuranceCode = item.InsuranceCode;

                    case "Edit":
                            Session["InsuranceCodeID"]= e.CommandArgument.ToString();  
                            HCSInsurance oHCSInsurance = new HCSInsurance();
                            Insurance oInsurance = new Insurance();
                            string code = Convert.ToString(e.CommandArgument);
                            oInsurance = oHCSInsurance.RetrieveInsurance(code);

                            lblName.Text = oInsurance.Name;
                            lblAddress.Text = oInsurance.Address1;
                            lblCity.Text = oInsurance.City;
                            lblState.Text = oInsurance.State;
                            lblZip.Text = oInsurance.Zip;
                            lblDphone.Text = oInsurance.ContactTelephone;
                            lblDfax.Text = oInsurance.ContactFax;



        catch (Exception ex)



As you are aware the goal you want to achieve exist in the client side, there is a jQuery API for double-click event, like:

$('id').dblclick(function() {
     // Call something here.

The downside of this, you might want to change your implementation in having an AJAX call instead of doing a postback, it might be possible also to just submit the form and edit the necessary arguments for your back-end code.

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