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Repeater's Item command event is not firing on linkbutton click

I am having problem with my repeater's OnItemCommand event. When I click the Link Button, its not firing. Am I missing any environment variable

ASPX code

    <!-- repResearchers begin, 0=display name, 1=url -->
    <asp:Repeater ID="repExtResearchers" Runat="server" OnItemCommand="deleteResearcher">
                    <a href="<%# ((System.String[])Container.DataItem)[1] %>">
                    <%# ((System.String[])Container.DataItem)[0] %></a>
                    <asp:LinkButton ID="lbDelete" runat="server" CommandName="del" 
                    CommandArgument = "<%# ((System.String[])Container.DataItem)[1]%>"
                    OnClientClick="if (!confirm('Are you sure do you want to delelte it?')) return false;">Delete</asp:LinkButton>


protected void deleteResearcher(object sender, RepeaterCommandEventArgs e)
    string a;
    lblError.Text = e.CommandArgument.ToString();
    lblError.Visible = true;

Make sure you dont rebind the repeater at every postback.

If (Page.IsPostBack)

repExtResearchers.DataSource = ...

Hope that helps.

I'm sure - as this is an EXTREMELY old question - that this has been answered already, but for people who may be running into what I was running into...

If you're using any of the Ajax Controls, they all require a validation group. I had a really long page that I was trying to shorten by doing this, so I wasn't noticing that the ajax controls from the Ajax Control Toolkit were throwing errors and not validating. I set the LinkButton's validation group to something that was nowhere anywhere and it started firing.

Hopefully, that helps someone out.

I had this issue using OnCommand in a LinkButton and I had an empty href="" . When I removed the extra attribute, it posted back.

It won't fix your ptoblem but change

OnClientClick="if (!confirm('Are you sure do you want to delelte it?')) return false;"


OnClientClick="return confirm('Are you sure do you want to delelte it?')"

Your code is using a double negative to confirm a positive.

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