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I'm using Lighttpd and php-fpm, I would like to chroot the vhost of each website.

The pages of the website are in: /home/vhosts/example1.com/web

each vhost has the same layer:


I used this kind of path as document-root of the domain (example1.com), I don't know what psychical path I should use to chroot the vhost, I tried:

document-root = /web

chroot = /home/vhosts/example1.com/ (on php-fpm.conf file)

but I always get 404 NOT FOUND error. How can I chroot the vhost?

(Each website has.php and.html pages.)

In lighttpd.conf:

server.document-root = "/home/vhosts/example1.com/web"
fastcgi.server = (
  ".php" => (
  "localhost" => (
     "docroot" => "/web",
     "socket" => "/home/vhosts/example1.com/php.socket",

In fpm.conf:

listen = /home/vhosts/example1.com/php.socket
chroot = /home/vhosts/example1.com/

Use the $prefix & $pool variables in fpm.conf to simplfy configuration for multiple chroots

prefix = /home/vhosts/$pool/
listen = $prefix/php.sock
chroot = $prefix

prefix = /home/vhosts/$pool/
listen = $prefix/php.sock
chroot = $prefix

You may want to use TCP / IP to listen insted of sockets for a fast growing site as it's more stable than using unix sockets

Don't forget to limit to limit TCP connections by IP address:

listen.allowed_clients =

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