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Remove a CSS class from HTML element in the code behind file

I have the following on my interface / webform:

<div id="mydiv" class="forceHeight" runat="server" />

Now I have a condition in my code behind where if a certain situation is true I need to remove the forceHeight class from this control. I know in C# you can use:

mydiv.CssClass.Replace("forceHeight", ""); 

I'm not so sure how you do this using VB? Intellisense doesn't offer me this option?

Any ideas anyone?

How to remove ONE CSS class from a control using .NET

If a control has several classes you can remove one of those classes by editing the class string. Both of these methods require assigning an ID to the HTML element so that you can target it in the code behind.

<asp:Panel ID="mydiv" CssClass="forceHeight class2 class3" runat="server" />


mydiv.CssClass = mydiv.CssClass.Replace("forceHeight", "").Trim()


mydiv.CssClass = mydiv.CssClass.Replace("forceHeight", "").Trim();

OR using html generic control

<div id="mydiv" class="forceHeight class2 class3" runat="server" />


mydiv.Attributes("class") = mydiv.Attributes("class").Replace("forceHeight", "").Trim()


mydiv.Attributes["class"] = mydiv.Attributes["class"].Replace("forceHeight", "").Trim();

Optional Trim to remove trailing white space.

How to remove ALL CSS classes from a control using .NET





This will remove all CSS classes from the div with ID="mydiv"

Me.mydiv.Attributes("class") = ""

is much better since it won't leave a stub behind. It'll produce a cleaner HTML tag.

<div id="mydiv"></div>

If you use this,

Me.mydiv.Attributes("class") = ""

it will produce this instead

<div id="mydiv" class=""></div> OR <div id="mydiv" class></div>

I find it better to use REGEX replace since replacing class could exist as partial name in other classes which would break them. So I'm using the following extension method:

public static void RemoveClass(this WebControl control, string classToRemove)
    if (control == null)

    control.CssClass = Regex.Replace(control.CssClass, @"(^|\s)" + classToRemove + @"($|\s)", " ");
mydiv.Attributes["class"] = mydiv.Attributes["class"].ToString().Replace("ClassName","")
mydiv.Attributes("class") = mydiv.Attributes("class").Replace("forceHeight", "")

The other answers did not work for me. Like the OP said, I'm not getting myDiv.CssClass in IntelliSense .

public static void appendCssClass(HtmlGenericControl htmlGenericControl, string cssClassName)
            htmlGenericControl.Attributes["class"].ToString() + " " + cssClassName);

    public static void removeCssClass(HtmlGenericControl htmlGenericControl, string cssClassName)
                    htmlGenericControl.Attributes["class"].Replace(cssClassName, ""));

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