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How to create properties with “delegated” accessors?

I'm new to c# and have been puzzling over this for a couple of days. Basically I want to create a type of property with getter and setter logic delegated to a base type to which this parameter belongs.

This is just one application: a property whose value is set by, say, the registry or some config file.

  • The property handler on a get would do something like check a cached value (or not), retrieve the value if not cached, cache the value (or not) and return it.
  • Behavior for the setter would allow only the property handler to set the value (if possible).

Any suggestions? I've thought about using DefaultPropertyAttribute , but I can't quite see how not to write all the logic necessary with each accessor.

Looks like this is what I want: http://www.sharpcrafters.com/postsharp

"Write less code" Yup. That's it alright.

I'm not proud of it:

public abstract class HorribleBaseType
  private Lazy<string> _connectionString;
  private Action<string> _connectionStringSetter;
  private Func<string> _connectionStringGetter;

  public HorribleBaseType(
    Func<string> connectionStringGetter, 
    Action<string> connectionStringSetter)
    _connectionStringGetter = connectionStringGetter;
    _connectionStringSetter = connectionStringSetter;

    _connectionString = new Lazy<string>(connectionStringGetter);

  public string ConnectionString
    get { return _connectionString.Value; }
      _connectionString = new Lazy<string>(_connectionStringGetter);

public class HorribleType : HorribleBaseType
  public HorribleType()
    : base(() => MyConfiguration.ConnectionString,
           (v) => MyConfiguration.ConnectionString = v) { }

100% untested.

UPDATE Using a combination of the above, and @hunter's answer, you could do something like:

public class DelegateProperty<T>
    #region Fields
    private readonly Func<T> _getter;
    private readonly Action<T> _setter;
    private Lazy<T> _lazy;

    #region Constructors
    public DelegateProperty(Func<T> getter, Action<T> setter)
        _getter = getter;
        _setter = setter;

        _lazy = new Lazy<T>(getter);

    #region Properties
    public T Value
        get { return _lazy.Value; }
            _lazy = new Lazy<T>(_getter);

    #region Operators
    public static implicit operator T(DelegateProperty<T> prop)
        return prop.Value; 

With that, you can now do something like:

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        string name = "Matt";
        var prop = new DelegateProperty<string>(
            () => name,
            value => name = value);

        var test = new Test(prop);

        test.Name = "Ben";


public class Test
    private readonly DelegateProperty<string> NameProperty;

    public Test(DelegateProperty<string> prop)
        NameProperty = prop;   

    public string Name
        get { return NameProperty; }
        set { NameProperty.Value = value; }

Using this stupid class:

public class Property<T>
    Func<T> _func;
    T _value;
    bool _fetched;

    public Property(Func<T> func)
        _func = func;

    public T Value
            if (!_fetched)
                _value = _func();
                _fetched = true;
            return _value;
        set { _value = value; }

you can do something like this:

public class TestClass
    Property<int> _propertyInt;
    public int MyInt
        get { return _propertyInt.Value; }
        set { _propertyInt.Value = value; }

    Property<string> _propertyString;
    public string MyString
        get { return _propertyString.Value; }
        set { _propertyString.Value = value; }

Of course this won't handle every case but it might get you on the "right" track...

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