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operator<< and std::stringstream reference?

I have a class that holds a reference to a stringstream (used as an overall application log). How do I add text to the referenced stringstream?

An example (as I cannot post actual source here...)

stringstream appLog;
RandomClass myClass;
myClass.addText("Hello World");
cout << appLog.str().c_str() << endl;

RandomClass cpp

void RandomClass::storeLog(stringstream *appLog)
  m_refLog = appLog;

void RandomClass::addText(const char text[])
  m_refLog << text;    //help here...?

I'm getting the following error in my real app using a very similar setup and method structure as above. error C2296: '<<' : illegal, left operand has type 'std::stringstream *'
error C2297: '<<' : illegal, right operand has type 'const char [11]'

I know the error is because i'm using a reference and still trying to do '<<', but how else am I to do it? m_refLog-><< ???

De-reference the pointer first

void RandomClass::addText(const char text[])
    if ( m_refLog != NULL )
        (*m_refLog) << text;    

In the constructor, initialize the member pointer to stringstream with NULL

RandomClass::RandomClass() : m_refLog(NULL) 

看起来你的m_refLog成员是一个StringStream * (即一个指向StringStream的指针),而不是一个StringStream (或一个StringStream & 。这就是你的编译错误的来源。

You have a pointer, not a reference. Dereference it to obtain the stream itself.

(Recall that ptr->foo() is equivalent to (*ptr).foo() .)

I'd also recommend that your functions accept const std::string& instead of pointers to C-style char buffers.

And the .c_str() in your example is redundant.

void RandomClass::addText(const std::string& text) {
  (*m_refLog) << text;

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