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Download Specific Android Source Code

I would just like to know how to download specific version of Android Source Code. I have already tried the following command

repo init -u https://android.googlesource.com/platform/manifest
repo sync

and I was able to download gingerbread 2.3.4. However, I would also like to download 2.3.3. Is there anyone who can tell me the proper command? Is there also a way to the download the source code without version files because I have no plans of changing the source code and uploading?

You could download the source from

Other versions are also available. You could search them in this site.

I was able to download 2.3.3 by using the these commands:

repo init -u git://android.git.kernel.org/platform/manifest.git -b android-2.3.3_r1
repo sync

Thanks for your help.

Although this question has been answered, none of the answers work for me. It took me a while to figure this out, so I thought I would share the answer as it may save someone some pain.

To download the source code go to the github mirror, you can download a ZIP (see the left of the screenshot the "Download ZIP" button) and select the tag of the version you want. See this screen shot.


There is not the android-2.3.4_r1 tag in https://android.googlesource.com/platform/manifest repository.

For example, https://android.googlesource.com/platform/dalvik repository has the android-2.3.4_r1 tag. You are able to see that tag on https://android.googlesource.com/platform/dalvik/+refs .

To sum up, the android-2.3.4_r1 tag is tagged in a part of android repositories.

If you check the android-2.3.4_r1 tagging source code on dalvik, try this commands as below.

repo init -u https://android.googlesource.com/platform/manifest
repo sync
cd dalvik
git checkout android-2.3.4_r1

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