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Populating dropdown from the XML in C#

I have got below xml format with me and I am using .NET 2.0.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <publication tcmid="tcm:0-226-1">
    <name>00 Primary Parent</name>
  <publication tcmid="tcm:0-227-1">
    <name>01 Group Parent</name>
  <publication tcmid="tcm:0-228-1">
    <name>02 Developer Library</name>
  <publication tcmid="tcm:0-229-1">
    <name>03C Content Library</name>

Now I want to populate my dropdownlist from the above XML, my dropdownlist TEXT will be "name" node value and dropdownlist VALUE will be "tcmid" attribute value using a method in C#.

Please suggest!!

You could do something like this

Using Linq

XDocument xDoc = XDocument.Load(@"Yourxmlfile.xml");
            var query = from xEle in xDoc.Descendants("publication")
                        select new ListItem(xEle.Element("name").Value, xEle.Attribute("tcmid").Value);

            ddlList.DataValueField = "value";
            ddlList.DataTextField = "text";
            ddlList.DataSource = query;

Update: Using XmlDocument

XmlDocument xDocument = new XmlDocument();
            foreach (XmlNode node in xDocument.GetElementsByTagName("publication"))
                ddlList.Items.Add(new ListItem(node.SelectSingleNode("name").InnerText,
            ddlList.DataValueField = "value";
            ddlList.DataTextField = "text";            

Maybe this can work for you:

path = Path.Combine(HostingEnvironment.ApplicationPhysicalPath, @"App_Data\Empresas.xml");
ds = new DataSet();
ddlEmpresa.DataValueField = "value";
ddlEmpresa.DataTextField = "name";
ddlEmpresa.DataSource = ds;

and the XML is:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
      <name>Elemento 1</name>

You could use Linq-to-XML to get a collection of the values you want from the xml tree and bind that to your dropdownlist. see this link: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb387061.aspx

You could try following code, I would rather go for Xpath because it is more easier to read. DocumentLoader class, it loads content from string or any stream that has a valid xml content.

public class DocumentLoader
        private readonly string content;
        public  DocumentLoader(Stream stream):this(new StreamReader(stream).ReadToEnd())

        public DocumentLoader(string content)
            this.content = content;

        public KeyValuePair<string,string>[] GetNames()
        List<KeyValuePair<string,string>> names=new List<KeyValuePair<string,string>>();
        XmlDocument document=new XmlDocument();
        XmlNodeList xmlNodeList = document.SelectNodes("//publication");
            foreach (XmlNode node in xmlNodeList)
                string key = node.InnerText;
               string value = "";
                if (node.Attributes != null)
                    value = node.Attributes["tcmid"].Value;
                names.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>(key,value));
        return names.ToArray();

Just a test code.

public class DocumentLoaderTest
    public void Test()
        DocumentLoader loader = new DocumentLoader(File.Open("D:\\sampleSource.xml", FileMode.Open));
        //now names contains the value of the name element 

Updated to get Name element and tcmid attribute

I have created my custom class for binding XML to DROPDOWN. code of custom class is following

public class XmlReaderBinder
        public static void BindDropDown(ComboBox dd, string elementName, string nodeNameValue,
                          string nodeNameText, string xmlPath)
            HttpContext context = HttpContext.Current;
            XmlTextReader reader = null;
            ArrayList lstItems = new ArrayList();
            string val = String.Empty;
            string txt = String.Empty;
            bool inTarget = false;
                reader = new XmlTextReader(xmlPath);
                //Allow for object to object comparison rather than string comparison
                object target = reader.NameTable.Add(elementName);
                object targetVal = reader.NameTable.Add(nodeNameValue);
                object targetTxt = reader.NameTable.Add(nodeNameText);
                //Read through the XML stream and find proper tokens
                while (reader.Read())
                    if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                        //Check attribute names
                        if (reader.Name.Equals(target))
                            inTarget = true;
                            //Get attribute values (if any)
                            if (reader.HasAttributes)
                                if (reader.MoveToAttribute(nodeNameValue))
                                    val = reader.Value;
                                if (reader.MoveToAttribute(nodeNameText))
                                    txt = reader.Value;
                            if (val == "" || txt == "") val = txt = String.Empty;
                            if (val != String.Empty && txt != String.Empty)
                                ListItem item = new ListItem(txt, val);
                                //Attribute values override any child nodes values
                                //so if we match on attributes then don't look at any 
                                //child nodes
                                inTarget = false;
                                val = txt = String.Empty;
                        else if (inTarget)
                        {  //Check for child nodes that match
                            if (reader.Name.Equals(targetVal))
                                val = reader.ReadString();
                                if (val == "") val = String.Empty;
                            if (reader.Name.Equals(targetTxt))
                                txt = reader.ReadString();
                                if (txt == "") txt = String.Empty;
                            if (val != String.Empty && txt != String.Empty)
                                ListItem item = new ListItem(txt, val);
                                val = txt = String.Empty;
                    if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement || reader.IsEmptyElement)
                        if (reader.Name.Equals(target))
                            inTarget = false;

                if (lstItems.Count > 0)
                    foreach (ListItem item in lstItems)

                    ListItem item = new ListItem("No Data Available", "");
            catch (Exception exp)
                if (reader != null) reader.Close();


And after creating class you can call class function 'BindDropDown' like below mentioned ways.

XmlReaderBinder.BindDropDown('DROP DOWN NAME', "publicationsList", "publication", "Name", xmlPath);

Hope it will help for you.

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