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PHP - REGEX - Match Length

I have this regex :


to match this string :

public function private ($var,Type $typed, $optional = 'option');

It works, but when it comes to match this one :

public function privateX ($var,Type $typed, $optional = 'option');

It fails.

I noticed that when the length of the function's name exceeds 6 chars, it does not match anymore.

Here is the full code :

$strA = 'public function 6Chars ($var,Type $typed, $optional = "option");';
$strB = 'public function MoreThan7 ($var,Type $typed, $optional = "option");';



My Question is pretty simple : why the second string does not match ?

I can't reproduce this in RegexBuddy; both declarations do match. However, the steps needed by the regex engine to arrive at a match double with each character. A function name of 6 characters takes about 100.000 steps of the regex engine, 7 characters 200.000 steps, 8 characters 400.000 steps etc.

Perhaps the regex engine gives up after a certain number of steps?

A possessive quantifier ( ++ ) cuts down drastically on the number of steps needed by reducing the possible permutations the regex engine has to go through - 50 steps regardless of the length of the function name.


The reason for the catastrophic backtracking you're seeing in your regex is this:


You are nesting quantifiers, and you've made the spaces optional. Therefore ABC can be matched as ABC , A / BC , AB / C or A / B / C . The number of permutation rises exponentially with every character. You further complicate matters by making the entire group optional (the ? surrounding the whole thing).

you just need to enable the /multiline /m flag and then it will match both of the lines i tested it confirm below. cheers


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