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image upload and preview in mvc 2

i am learing mvc 2 by converting a asp.net website.in my page i have to upload a image and show the preview of image.

screen shoot of my asp.net page is given below.


i have created the model as

public class Contest
        public int contestid { get; set; }
        public string ContestName { get; set; }
        public string Description { get; set; }
        public DateTime StartDate { get; set; }
        public DateTime EndDate { get; set; }
        public int UserId { get; set; }
        public bool IsActive { get; set; }
        public string contestimage { get; set; }

in my controller

public ActionResult Createcontest()
   ContestModel contest = new ContestModel();
   return View(contest);
    public ActionResult Createcontest(ContestModel contest)
///inserting data
      return View(contest);

if i am using iframe in my view to upload image.then how can i bind the file name to contestimage.(i am saving contestimage to database). is there any other method to upload image.

//in controller u can do this

public ActionResult Show( int id )

        byte[] Filecontent1 = null;

        foreach (byte[] Filecontent in db.ExecuteStoreQuery<byte[]>
       ("select Filecontent from [barcodes] where Barcode_Id = @p0 ", id))
            Filecontent1 = Filecontent;

        var imageData =   Filecontent1;

        return File( imageData, "image/jpg" );

//put this in view for diplaying //automatically hooks the Actionresult show

<tr><img src='<%= Url.Action("Show", "contollername",new {id = Model.itemid }) %>' /></tr>

id it takes from url:http://localhost//page/1

where 1 is the itemid

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