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Xquery - Selecting value from XML using XMLtable

I want to use XQuery to display the value if FrequencyCdvalue="01" and city type="first" in the following XML.

Can you pls help me here

<FrequencyCd value="01">first first</FrequencyCd> 
<FrequencyCd value="02">first second</FrequencyCd> 
<contactinfo> <Address>
<street>234 Rolling Lane</street> 
<city type="first">Rockport</city> 
<FrequencyCd value="03">second first</FrequencyCd> 
<FrequencyCd value="04">second second</FrequencyCd> 
<street>234 Straight Lane</street> 
<city type="first">Crackport</city> 

This approach shreds more rows internally, but allows the compound filtering criteria (the conditions for FrequencyCd and City) to be implemented as a simple WHERE clause on the SQL representation of the shredded XML data (the output of the XMLTABLE function).

with origxml(xdoc) AS (VALUES XMLPARSE( DOCUMENT 
    <FrequencyCd value="01">first first</FrequencyCd> 
    <FrequencyCd value="02">first second</FrequencyCd> 
    <contactinfo> <Address>
    <street>234 Rolling Lane</street> 
    <city type="first">Rockport</city> 
    <FrequencyCd value="03">second first</FrequencyCd> 
    <FrequencyCd value="04">second second</FrequencyCd> 
    <street>234 Straight Lane</street> 
    <city type="first">Crackport</city> 
SELECT filteredxml.FrequencyCd, filteredxml.City FROM origxml,
XMLTABLE ('$d/Envelope/Arrangement' PASSING origxml.xdoc AS "d"
                FrequencyCd     VARCHAR(20) PATH    'FrequencyCd[@value="01"]/text()',
                City            VARCHAR(30) PATH    'contactinfo/Address/city[@type="first"]/text()'
            ) as filteredxml
WHERE filteredxml.FrequencyCd IS NOT NULL
AND filteredxml.City IS NOT NULL

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