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how do I sign sha1 signature in Django?

I have not really dug in deep into django and signatures

I am trying to create a signature based on a given requirements

i = my username, v = expiration, and s = signature

v: UNIX TIMESTAMP + 2 hours

What I have so far.

import hashlib
import datetime
from datetime import timedelta
import time

now = datetime.datetime.now()
now = now + timedelta(hours=2)
seconds = time.mktime(now.timetuple())
seconds = seconds
API = "87df234207v4444444"
signature = hashlib.sha1()
signature.update("i=MYUSERNAME&v=%s%s" % (seconds, API))

Then when I ping the url, I get a "Bad Signature" response

Again my knowledge in this area is limited, your help is much appreciated

and the valid iframe to get the correct code is http://api.myurl.com/i=MYUSERNAME&v=UNIX TIMESTAMP + 2 HOURS&s=MY VALID SIGNATURE

PDF Documentation

Imagine that we need to calculate the signature for the following URI:

The method to calculate the signature is as follows:

  • Go through the full list of parameters and the values,
  • Append these into one long string HTML safestring,like a normal GET request,
  • For the above URI this long string would end-up looking like this: i=TEST&arg1=val1&arg2=val2&t=123
  • To specify until when this link should be valid, a validity must be added. The validity is a UNIX timestamp – for a validity of 2 hours, the value time() + 7200 should be passed. This validity (parameter and value) must also appended to the string to sign. For the above URI this would now look like this: i=TEST&arg1=val1&arg2=val2&t=123&v=1444567890 The requests in the initial URI should be replaced by this list.
  • The above collected string is then decoded from HTML(htmlspecialchars_decode()) so one ends up with a string looking like this: i=TEST&arg1=val1&arg2=val2&t=123&v=1444567890
  • The “INCLOODE_API_SECRET” that you have been supplied with must be appended to this string: i=TEST&arg1=val1&arg2=val2&t=123&v=1444567890**INCLOODE_API_SECRET**
  • Then,finallytheSHA1checksumofthatstringmustbegenerated.Then,itis appended to the parameter/value list retrieved at step (3). This could end up looking like this: http://framed.incloode.com? i=TEST&arg1=val1&arg2=val2&t=123&v=1444567890&s=abcdef0123456789

The only thing I can see from your description is that you are not grabbing the hex digest at the end, which I can only assume is what the server expects. Send this value instead:

hashed = signature.hexdigest()

Otherwise please post the documentation for this web service and make sure you are honoring case requirements (you never know...)

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