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Regular expression to match any number NOT ending in zero

I'm asking for input for a dice game. It really matters whether or not the number entered is divisible by ten.

I have \d+0 for the numbers that DO end in zero.

I need one for the number that DO NOT end in zero.

Thanks in advance.

Maybe this would do the trick


This is not a good use of regular expressions.

I suggest the modulus or integer division operators.

if (number % 10) {
  // number doesn't end in zero

Should work, I think.

This will match at least one digit followed by a non-zero digit.

However, you very likely need to embed this in some way, either by anchoring it:


to verify that the complete string only contains that number (but then you can also convert said string to a number and do a mod 10).

The way you have it currently (and also the expression in your question) it would match a number like 1203 without problems for both expressions, since regexes match substrings unless you anchor them (except in some environments where they are anchored by default like that – I think Java does that).

Also this works for at least two digits only, as does the expression you posted in your question. I assume that to be intentional. If not, then the + should probably be a * in both cases.

I think


Works better.

I think (d%10==0) is a better way to test divisibility by 10.

If you want use regular expression, try this regular expression


Using Plain JavaScript var num =temp;

if(temp % 10 !==0){

//your code


Divisibility trick is valid for integers not for decimals.

What if someone tris to verify this:


It ends with a non significant zero.

So 123.12/X and 123.120/X gives same result Same for 123.12%X and 123.120%X (This last is not valid operation since value is not an integer, so can not get module of a float/number)

Module can only be getted for integer values (integer/integer).

And also someone can be trying to look for:

AnyTextWithNumbersNotEndingOnZero_0  <--- Not valid
AnyTextWithNumbersNotEndingOnZero    <--- Valid

So the best an more clear can be somethng like this:


Hope helps.

Ah: and if want letters and numbers but last not be a zero:



You can try this one to exclude 0


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