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Using nl2br with html tags

I use nl2br when displaying some information that is saved somewhere, but when HTML tags are used I want not to add <br> tags for them.

For example if I use


it will be transformed to

<table><br />
<th></th><br />
</table><br />

and that makes a lot of spaces for this table.

Ho can break line tags be added only for other non-HTML content?


I'd the same issue,

I made this code, adding a <br /> at the end of each line except if the line finished with an html tag:

function nl2br_save_html($string)
    if(! preg_match("#</.*>#", $string)) // avoid looping if no tags in the string.
        return nl2br($string);

    $string = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r", "\n"), "\n", $string);

    $lines=explode("\n", $string);
    foreach($lines as $line)
        $line = rtrim($line);
        if(! preg_match("#</?[^/<>]*>$#", $line)) // See if the line finished with has an html opening or closing tag
            $line .= '<br />';
        $output .= $line . "\n";

    return $output;

You could replace the closing tags and newlines by only closing tags:

$str = str_replace('>
', '>', $str);

I think your question is wrong. If you are typing


into a text area then no matter what you do It will include <br /> in between them. Because it is what nl2br is supposed to do.

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