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C++: How do you pass a file as an argument?

I initialized and opened a file in one of the functions and I am supposed to output data into an output file. How can I pass the file as an argument so that I can output the data into the same output file using another function? For example:

void fun_1 () {
    ifstream in;
    ofstream outfile;

    ////function operates////

void fun_2 () {
    ///// I need to output data into the output file declared above - how???

Your second function needs to take a reference to the stream as an argument, ie,

void fun_1 () 
    ifstream in;
    ofstream outfile;
    fun_2( outfile );

void fun_2( ostream& stream )
    // write to ostream

Pass a reference to the stream:

void first() {
    std::ifstream in("in.txt");
    std::ofstream out("out.txt");
    second(in, out);

void second(std::istream& in, std::ostream& out) {
    // Use in and out normally.

You can #include <iosfwd> to obtain forward declarations for istream and ostream , if you need to declare second in a header and don't want files that include that header to be polluted with unnecessary definitions.

The objects must be passed by non- const reference because insertion (for output streams) and extraction (input) modify the stream object.

Pass a reference to the stream.

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