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Django template question: how to output just the text if the variable has html in it?

I have a lot of variables that has html in them. For example the value of a variable called {{object.name}} is the following:

Play this <a href="#">hot</a> game and see how <b>fun</b> it is!

Is there a filter that can be applied on the variable that will give me just the text:

Play this hot game and see how fun it is!

Without the text being linked or the html being replaced by htmlentities. Just the text?

striptags filter removes all html


You have 3 options to strip the html code:

Using " safe " filter in your template:

{{ object.name|safe }}

Using " autoescape " tag in your template:

{% autoescape off %}
{{ object.name }}
{% endautoescape %}

or declaring it as " safe " in your python code:

from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
name = mark_safe(name)

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