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CodeIgniter URL Rewrite for Nginx Server

This is my CodeIgniter Controller class code.

class View extends MY_Controller

    function index($number)

Through browser, I can access the View class's index method using this URL


So, my question is

is there any efficient way to rewrite the URL, for example, into this URL


My web server is Nginx.

index() is called by default , but if you want to do it for other functions , you can make use of URI Routing feature in CI.

Add this to routes.php in config directory.

$route['view/(:num)'] = "view/index/$1";

Remove the trailing index from all controllers using the following configuration in Nginx

# removes trailing "index" from all controllers
if ($request_uri ~* index/?$)
    rewrite ^/(.*)/index/?$ /$1 permanent;

Explicitly you can route the URLs from CodeIgniter Routing file located in


Insert this code. This should work for both Nginx or Apache Servers.

// hide index from all controllers
$route['(:any)/(:any)'] = "$1/index/$2";

// hide only from View Controller
$route['view/(:any)'] = "view/index/$1";

// hide only from View with numeric parameter
$route['view/(:num)'] = "view/index/$1";

Find more information about Nginx URL Rewrite from documentation. Hope this helps you. Thanks!!

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