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Need help in Launch4j

I have an ant file which creates an installer. I used launch4j and innosetup. Installer get created. But I got the following error


My ant file is:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project basedir="." default="build" name="JavaSamp">
    <!--Creation of JavaSampSetup.exe-->
    <target name="build">
        <!-- Creation of classes folder -->
        <mkdir dir="classes" />
        <!-- Compilation of classes -->
        <javac srcdir="src" destdir="classes" />
        <!-- Creation of install/lib -->
        <mkdir dir="install/lib" />
        <!-- Creation of JavaSamp.jar -->
        <jar destfile="install/lib/JavaSamp.jar" basedir="classes" />       
        <!-- Copying process of JRE   -->
        <copy todir="install/jre6">
            <fileset dir="C:\Program Files\Java\jre6">
                <include name="*" />
                <include name="bin/**" />
                <include name="lib/**" />
                <exclude name="lib/charsets.jar" />
                <exclude name="lib/ext/sunjce_provider.jar" />
                <exclude name="bin/rmid.exe" />
                <exclude name="bin/rmiregistry.exe" />
                <exclude name="bin/tnameserv.exe" />
                <exclude name="bin/keytool.exe" />
                <exclude name="bin/kinit.exe" />
                <exclude name="bin/klist.exe" />
                <exclude name="bin/ktab.exe" />
                <exclude name="bin/policytool.exe" />
                <exclude name="bin/orbd.exe" />
                <exclude name="bin/servertool.exe" />
                <exclude name="bin/java.exe" />
                <exclude name="bin/javaws.exe" />
                <exclude name="bin/javacpl.exe" />
                <exclude name="bin/jucheck.exe" />
                <exclude name="bin/jusched.exe" />
                <exclude name="bin/wsdetect.dll" />
                <exclude name="bin/npjava*.dll" />
                <exclude name="bin/npoji610.dll" />
                <exclude name="bin/regutils.dll" />
                <exclude name="bin/axbridge.dll" />
                <exclude name="bin/deploy.dll" />
                <exclude name="bin/jpicom.dll" />
                <exclude name="bin/javacpl.cpl" />
                <exclude name="bin/jpiexp.dll" />
                <exclude name="bin/jpinscp.dll" />
                <exclude name="bin/jpioji.dll" />
                <exclude name="bin/jpishare.dll" />
                <exclude name="lib/deploy.jar" />
                <exclude name="lib/plugin.jar" />
                <exclude name="lib/deploy/messages*.properties" />
                <exclude name="lib/deploy/splash.jpg" />

        <!-- Creation of JavaSamp.exe using Launch4j -->
        <exec executable="C:\Program Files\Launch4j\launch4jc.exe">
            <arg value="${basedir}\installerLaunch4j.xml" />

        <!--Creation of JavaSamp.exe using Inno Setup-->
        <exec executable="C:\Program Files\Inno Setup 5\ISCC.exe">
            <arg value="${basedir}\installerInnoSetup.iss" />

        <echo message="JavaSamp.exe ready" />

And the Launch4j configuration file:

    <copyright>Copyright (c) 2011 Fsp</copyright>

There are certain conditions to be met when using JRE bundled or JRE download feature in Launch4J Launch4j JRE Installation or bundled

In your launch4j script, it only mentions <path> entry named as "jre", so you are applying the first condition which it results in such error:

<path> Run if bundled JRE and javaw.exe are present, otherwise stop with error.

Try to add <minVersion> entry with 1.6.0 and see what happens as it seems that your setup does copy JRE bundle into the "install" folder (I shall see your InnoSetup script file to confirm)


I hope in your InnoSetup script file has something like this:

Source: "install\*"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs createallsubdirs; 

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