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Jquery .load img not working in firefox and IE!

I have this javascript in my website and its works great to load image on click but not fork in Firefox or IE!

<script type="text/javascript">
                    var img = new Image();
                    $(img).load(function () {
                        $('#big-image').attr('src', '{/literal}{$purl}/t/{$p.p1}?{$smarty.now}{literal}');  
                    }).error(function() {
                    }).attr('src', '{/literal}{$purl}/t/{$p.p1}?{$smarty.now}{literal}');
                  {if $p.p2 ne ""}
                    var img = new Image();
                    $(img).load(function () {
                        $('#big-image').attr('src', '{/literal}{$purl}/t/{$p.p2}?{$smarty.now}{literal}');  
                    }).error(function() {
                    }).attr('src', '{/literal}{$purl}/t/{$p.p2}?{$smarty.now}{literal}');
                  {if $p.p2 ne ""}
                    var img = new Image();
                    $(img).load(function () {
                        $('#big-image').attr('src', '{/literal}{$purl}/t/{$p.p3}?{$smarty.now}{literal}');  
                    }).error(function() {
                    }).attr('src', '{/literal}{$purl}/t/{$p.p3}?{$smarty.now}{literal}');
                $(document).ready( function() {
                    $(".gig-desc a").each(function() {
                        $(this).attr("target", "_blank");

And here is image div tag:

<div id="photo1"><img alt="{$p.gtitle|stripslashes}" src="{$purl}/t2/{$p.p1}?{$smarty.now}" /></div>    
{if $p.p2 ne ""}<div id="photo2"><img alt="{$p.gtitle|stripslashes}" src="{$purl}/t2/{$p.p2}?{$smarty.now}" /></div>{/if}
{if $p.p3 ne ""}<div id="photo3"><img alt="{$p.gtitle|stripslashes}" src="{$purl}/t2/{$p.p3}?{$smarty.now}" /></div>{/if}

Please help.

There are peaces of code in your javascript that (I think) are not javascript, Smarty tags perhaps? Tthe firebug console launches an error there.

{if $p.p2 ne ""}

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