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jQuery Selector and php loop

I have a PHP loop like this <?php foreach ($products as $product) {?> now inside this loop I will be creating some div . the number of div s created depends on number of products. Also, I have a javascript function that creates a countdown.

Now I am trying to create a unique countdown in every div that gets created. .ie unique countdown for every product. here is the code that generates the coundown

$(function(){$('.counter').countdown({startTime:"<?php echo $product['time']; ?>" });}); 

and this is what I have inside the php loop that creates the divs

<div class= 'counter' ></div>

now what this gives me is the same counter in all the divs. I'm new to all this, I haven't slept in hours trying to learn and figure out what I'm doing wrong.


So I still have not get what I want. $('.counter').each(function() { $(this).countdown(....
produce the same counter for all the divs. and for some reason I get syntax error when I try to use $('#product-').countdown(... in order to create a unique selector.

This won't work as the selector .counter will find all elements with the class name counter .

Assuming that time varies for every product and that you have a unique identifier for every product, you could solve this by assigning an unique ID to every div-element, and use this as a means to trigger the countdown process:

<div id="product-<?php echo $product['id']; ?>" class="counter"></div>

And the Javascript-code:

$('#product-<?php echo $product['id']; ?>').countdown({startTime: '...'});

I'd suggest a design pattern though where you don't have to generate javascript code like this.

What you need is each()

$('.counter').each(function() { $(this).countdown({startTime:"" }); });

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